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Excellent pro g@m1ng game awsome ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Love the concept and the execution! It's fun and challenging, but not too hard!
There is one feedback I can give about the character controller: I feel it would be clearer if when pressing Space the character always crouches, and jumps when space is released (with maybe the jump length depending on the crouching time). This way, the controls don't change depending on what obstacle is next and it feels more cohesive.

The game looks nice, I really like the animation on the dangerous objects! And the player character is just too C00L ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Music is nice, it would have been even niccer if there were some sound effects, at least for the win screen but it's alright!

I'm always happy to hear when you make a new game and I'm never disappointed! Keep it up! ๐Ÿ‘


Oh my god Ardos, sorry for the delay of my answer ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Coming from you, the compliments on the art means a lot โœจ

For the gameplay, I honestly have no idea how to implement it but I agree that this approach would definitely look better ๐Ÿ˜ญ  Gotta look into it and test around how to add a jump buffer depending on the crouching time ! It would definitely be more clean, time to look around how to do that aha 

Yeah for the sounds effects we put a jump one and flag one at the end of each level but maybe the sound wasn't high enough aha

maybe a final win screen with an epic congratulation sounds would have been nice too ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Thank you for the feedback, a cool game for an epic gamer like you ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž Can't wait to play your future games !! 


Hahaha no worries on the delay, you can't be here answering comments at every hour of the day :')

My bad for the sfx, they do exist indeed, but they are so low compared to the music that I didn't pay attention to them :')

I played through the whole game once more to check the sfx, I first tried every level (Certified pro g@m3r moment ๐Ÿ˜Ž)

See you on the next game! (yours or mine who knows!?)


Another great game realeased by Kolaya !

A style strat to rise from your games imho. It's all about simple design mixed up in a cute pixel-art. Hopefully, your games will tend to be less difficult as I barely managed to pass level 4 and abandoned on level 5 ^^'

The mix between a plateform game and a rythm game is a good idea. Yet, I humbly think you should have widen a bit the space between each obstacles, especially at the beginning of levels. That being said, you were into the theme in an efficient way. GG for that!

Can't wait to play your futur productions Kolaya! Have a nice day!


oh no sir tatassticot, sorry to hear about the troubles ! there is definitely a lot to be fixed in this very very early version of the game : your feedback always helps so much as always ! 

๐Ÿ˜Ž you were super early so we were not able to trouble-shoot everything yet, but super flattered to see that you are always AU RENDEZ-VOUS dรจs le matin as we say 

Enjoy your week too ! ๐Ÿ‘‹ Definitely not giving up on gamedev anytime soon ! 


Just played the updated version
I finished the 5th level
Thanks for the update :)

(2 edits) (+2)

great idea with a really good level desgin. i managed to beat end level two times so its possible ppl

๐Ÿค thank you hardcore gamer aha, let us start our steam project soon !